Find Joy In The Journey

U Can Find Joy In The Journey of Life

Free Friday – Leave a Comment to Enter Drawing December 9, 2010

Filed under: Book Club Bible Study - Luke — Ginger Craddock | Executive Coach @ 11:59 am

New Inductive Study Bible


FREE Friday!  Get set for the Christmas holiday season.  Read Luke chapters 1-3 in the Bible.  Leave a comment on the blog “Individuals Who Changed the World” before 7 p.m. CDT Friday, December 10, 2010. 

Feed the fire and encourage others.  When something jumps off the page and into your life from your study of Luke, share your comments with us.  The WINNER will be drawn from the list of names of those who post a comment . 


Individuals Who Changed the World – Luke 1-3 December 5, 2010

Filed under: Book Club Bible Study - Luke — Ginger Craddock | Executive Coach @ 5:49 pm

New Inductive Study Bible


I am challenged by what I can learn from ordinary individuals who have and are changing the world.  Join me this week as we look at the lives of several individuals who changed the world in the book of Luke in the Bible.  Spend a little time each day learning about the ordinary men and women whose lives fill the pages of Luke chapters 1-3.


Luke is an integral part of a band of H.O.T. influencers, men and women who changed the world one person and one interaction at a time.


Luke a scientist, a physician by trade took extreme care to chronologically detail the life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 

In the first four verses of chapter one, Luke clearly defines his purpose for painstakingly recording the life of Christ.  Many had written about Jesus and yet Luke was compelled to respond.

“… 3it seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus;

 4so that you may know the exact truth about the things you have been taught.”   Luke 1:3-4 NASB

Did Luke’s purpose for writing jump off the page?

“…so that you may know the exact truth about the things you have been taught.”


Things to Do this Week

Read Luke chapters 1-3 on pages 1652-1660 in “The New Inductive Study Bible.” (Or use the Bible of your choice.)

  • Write the date at the top of the first page of the book of Luke. Page 1651 of “The New Inductive Study Bible.”
  • Highlight Luke’s purpose for recording the details of the life of Jesus Christ. Record the “Purpose”(chapter & verse) of the book of Luke on page 1709.
  • An easy way to read Luke is one event at a time.  The first three chapters are divided into segments based on the main events.  List each main event in the margin of your Bible for easy reference.  Mark every reference to time with a circle.


Main Events Luke 1-3

  • Read Luke 1:5-25. Now put yourself in the setting with Zacharias and Elizabeth.  How would you have responded?  What would you have thought?  How are Zacharias and Elizabeth described in verse 6-7?


  • Read Luke 1:26-38.  What is the span of time between the events in verses 5-25 and verses 26-38? (Hint:  see vs. 36)  How did Mary respond to the mind blowing encounter with Gabriel?  How do you think you would have responded?  What do you learn from Mary’s response that will help you in your life?


  • Read Luke 1:39-56.  When did Mary go to stay with her relatives Zacharias and Elizabeth?  How long did Mary stay with them?  How far along was Mary in her pregnancy when Elizabeth cried out in a loud voice in verses 42-45?  How far along was Elizabeth in her pregnancy?  Was there any external evidence that Mary was pregnant?  How did Elizabeth know Mary was pregnant?  See verse 41.  How long did Mary stay with Elizabeth and Zacharias?


  • Read Luke 1:57-80.  When did Zacharias ability to speak return?  How long was he unable to speak?  On pages 2016-2017 2 Peter 1:19-21 provides insight on prophecy and reminds us to “pay attention.” What do you learn from Zacharias’ prophecy in verses 67-79? 


  • Read Luke 2-1-40.  Read this familiar passage with fresh eyes.  Engage all of your senses.  What do you see, smell, hear, feel and think?  What did Simeon say about God’s salvation in verses 30-32?  How did Jesus continue to grow according to verse 40?


  • Read Luke 2:41-52.  How old is Jesus in this passage of scripture?  How many days did it take for Joseph and Mary to find their son?  Where had Jesus been and what was he doing?  Did Jesus parents understand his response?  How did Jesus respond to his parents in verse 51?  What do you learn from verse 52?  How can what you learn from this example be applied to children, teenagers and parents?


  • Read Luke 3:1-20.  Consult the timeline on page NISB-47 in the “New Inductive Study Bible.”  Locate Tiberius Caesar under the Roman Period.  When did Tiberius Caesar begin to rule in Rome?  According to Luke 3:1, when did John the Baptist begin preaching?  Record the year in the margin along with the main event.  What does John tell the people?  Was John the anticipated Christ? See verse 15-17  How did John baptize the people?  How would the “One” who was coming baptize the people?


  • Read Luke 3:21-38.  Who baptized Jesus?  What happened when Jesus was baptized?  How old was Jesus when He began his ministry?  Do you see any familiar names in the family members that are listed in verses 23-38?  What do you know about them?


Feed the Fire Comments


I am always encouraged to hear from you.  Feed the fire and encourage others.  When something jumps off the page and into your life from your study of Luke, share your comments and insights.

Win FREE stuff on Friday.  Each Friday a name will be drawn from the list of names of those who posted a comment that week.  Comment to win a FREE Inductive Study Bible on Friday, December 10, 2010.

Feeding the fire,



An Invitation to Feed the Fire – Book Club Bible Study of Luke December 2, 2010

Filed under: Book Club Bible Study - Luke — Ginger Craddock | Executive Coach @ 10:49 am











During this season of thanksgiving and the celebration of the birth and life of Jesus Christ, will you choose to be intentional and strategic to grow spiritually and invest in others?

If your answer is yes, welcome to the band of H.O.T influencers… brothers and sisters in Christ who will change the world.  

H.O.T. influencers are Hungry for biblical truth, Obedient and Teachable. 

An invitation to feed the fire.  Over the next 8 weeks join me as we…

  • Read and interact with three chapters in the Bible from the book of Luke each week.
  • Invite family members and friends to join us in the quest to see and understand the life of Jesus Christ, first hand.
  • See how Jesus’ interaction with others can equip us to positively interact with
    • family
    • friends
    • co-workers
    • those who disagree with us
    • the unconvinced observer

What’s Next?

  • The weekly blog will be posted each Sunday, beginning Sunday, December 5th  for 8 consecutive weeks.
  • Each weekly blog will cover 3 chapters in the Bible from the book of Luke.
  • During the week read and interact with the scripture.  Choose the time that will work best for your personal schedule.

Let’s “feed the fire!”



Lessons from a Bluebonnet April 12, 2010

Filed under: Encouragement — Ginger Craddock | Executive Coach @ 10:49 pm
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Imagine on the hillside there is a Bluebonnet that is not sure of its identity or why it was created.  It is hesitant to break through the ground.  Afraid to push upward toward the light.   The Bluebonnet hesitates and holds back.  All around the other wildflowers are stretching out toward the light.  Bursting through the earth and spreading across the hillside in a stunning blanket of color and texture.

Is there something holding you back?  What thing keeps you from blooming in this season of life?  Could it be fear, vulnerability, insecurity or overcommitment?

As I have walked through the changing seasons of my life fear, vulnerability, insecurity and overcommitment have all held me back at various times.  Hesitancy stops me in my tracks and weighs me down. 

Wildflowers were not created to hold back and rest below the surface of the ground.  The frigid temperatures of the winter give birth to the cleansing spring showers and the warm sunshine of spring.  Wildflowers burst forth and lavishly fill the hills and valleys with vibrant color.

You and I were not created to hold back and rest below the surface of life.  Will you join me this spring and trust God with what matters to you most?  Let us lay down our vulnerability and remember each person is created in the image of God for His purpose.  Confidently say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid.” 

Shake off the shackles of overcommitment.  Focus on the one true Light.  Stretch out and bloom into the beautiful image of Christ that you were created to be.

Share a smile, words of kindness, forgiveness and encouragement with others.  Serve and love others without limitations.  Stretch out my friends with me and let us bloom, bloom, bloom…  May those who pass our way be drawn in by the merciful hand of God in our lives and be captivated by His Light forever.

Finding joy in the journey,



The Anchor Holds September 30, 2009

Filed under: Encouragement — Ginger Craddock | Executive Coach @ 10:58 pm
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The Anchor Holds

The Anchor Holds



Two years ago a silent prayer was lifted up, “God, help me to see people from your perspective.”


I see…

Unexplainable, difficult and gut wrenching circumstances, invade the lives of those I know and love intimately.  Casual acquaintances are pummeled with incomprehensible heartache.   

I see…

Many are devoured and overcome by the harsh realities of life.

I see…

There are fierce, valiant men and women of faith who are not overcome.  In the darkest storms they are held securely by the Anchor.  They grow strong and mighty.

I see…

The Anchor holds.

“I have journeyed through the long dark night, out on the open sea.

 My faith alone, sight unknown and yet His eye is watching me.


The anchor holds, though the ship is battered.

The anchor holds, though the sails are torn.


I have fallen on my knees, as I face the raging sea.

The anchor holds in spite of the storm. 

I have visions.  I have dreams.

 I’ve even held them in my hand. 

But I never knew they would slip right through,

 like they were only crumbs of sand.


The anchor holds, though the ship is battered. 

The anchor holds, though the sails are torn.


 I have fallen on my knees as I face the raging seas. 

The anchor holds in spite of the storm. 

I have been young and I am older now,

and there has been beauty, these eyes have seen,

for it was in the night through the storms of my life,

that’s where God proved He loves me.


The anchor holds, though the ships been battered.  

The anchor holds though the sails are torn.

 I have fallen on my knees as I face the raging seas.

The anchor holds in spite of the storm.”


Song lyrics from “The Anchor Holds,” Ray Boltz


I know…

The Anchor holds.

Please join me in earnest prayer for the Varghese family and the Alter family.   Two precious families who know the Anchor holds.  You can read Micah’s story at   and Jada’s story at

They are faithful men and women who love the Lord God Almighty and serve and honor Him consistently.

“In Thee, O LORD, I have taken refuge;

 let me never be ashamed;

In Thy righteousness deliver me.

Incline Thine ear to me, rescue me quickly;

Be Thou to me a rock of strength,

a stronghold to save me.

For Thou art my rock and my fortress;

For thy name’s sake Thou will lead me and guide me.

Thou will pull me out of the net which they have secretly laid for me;

For Thou art my strength.

Into Thy hand I commit my spirit;

Thou has ransomed me, O LORD, God of truth.”

Psalm 31:1-5 

Precious bloggers, may we all…

     See God

     Know God

     Trust God in all circumstances. 

The Anchor holds,



Grandma’s Gravy Bowl September 25, 2009

Filed under: Family & Parenting — Ginger Craddock | Executive Coach @ 3:02 pm
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Grandma's Gravy Bowl

Grandma's Gravy Bowl

 Grandaddy ate piping hot homemade biscuits and gravy every morning for breakfast on the farm.  Do you know how big the flour sacks were in those days?  My Grandma bought flour in a cloth fifty-pound sack!  She kept the flour in a large pull out bin below the countertop.  I think it was the size of my laundry hamper.


 Ah, the joy of childhood.  Every summer my sister, brother and I would spend the entire summer on the farm with our grandparents in rural Tennessee.  Visions of homemade biscuits and gravy frolic in my mind and dance on my tastebuds.  Mud pies in tin pie plates, hen houses, chickens, horses, cows, homegrown tomatoes, tractors, bare feet, bumble bees, morning glories, and most importantly … a half a stick of real butter creamed together with a quarter cup of honey slathered on a piping hot biscuit!  The biscuit with the honey-butter was the breakfast desert after the biscuit and gravy entree.  Yes, you read the measurements correctly and that was one serving!


 Life was sweet and carefree.


One of my most treasured possessions is my Grandma’s gravy bowl.  It is priceless to me.  I have not followed in my Grandma’s steps of making homemade biscuits and gravy every day.  Decades ago, I gave up the honey concoction for a more modest ratio of butter to honey.  However, every bowl of gravy that I have served family and friends has been served in my Grandma’s gravy bowl.


Last weekend, I whipped up some homemade biscuits and gravy for my Prince Charming.  We dipped gravy out of Grandma’s gravy bowl and savored our time together, overlooking the lake and making new memories together in Texas.


 Life is not as sweet and carefree as it once was as a child, but the things that matter most still remain.


 As I move from summer to the first fresh days of fall, I am reminded of the importance of creating lasting traditions and memories for family and friends.  I think I will get out my Grandma’s gravy bowl again this weekend and invest in those I love.  Maybe Prince Charming will treat me to breakfast at the Blue Bonnet Cafe  in Marble Falls, Texas.  The Blue Bonnet Cafe is one of our new traditions.  Their biscuits and gravy are as good as Grandma’s and better than mine.


Our faithful God treasures people not things.  Matthew has a great reminder for each of us in chapter 6.

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”    Matthew 6:19-21 (NASB)


I hope you will join me in making this weekend special by spending time with family and friends. 


What do you do to create simple lasting memories?  Leave a comment, I would love to hear your memory making story.


  Sweet blessings,


    P.S.  Because I am a true southern girl, I called my grandmother “Mamaw.”


Love & Respect August 24, 2009

Filed under: Marriage — Ginger Craddock | Executive Coach @ 9:10 pm
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Love & Respect

Love & Respect



Imagine the satisfaction of a marriage filled with love and respect between husband and wife.  Maybe you are thinking, “tolerance maybe but mutual satisfaction…impossible.”  Does the mention of love and respect bring an old wound to the surface?


Yes, I believe a mutually satisfying marriage based on love and respect is possible.  I also know there have been times when I was convinced it was impossible to make my marriage work.  Carl and I have both grown weary at times.  Hearts and egos have been wounded unintentionally and intentionally.


Carl and I have purposed over the years to work on being married well.  Our goal is to have a mutually satisfying married relationship that honors God.  A relationship where we are both better together than we could have ever been as individuals.  You must know, we have not arrived we are an imperfect work in progress.



A new resource that is helping us along in our adventure is an outstanding book written by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs entitled Love and Respect.  It has helped us uncover some subtle ways we undermine our relationship.


Here is an excerpt where Dr. Eggerichs describes the “Crazy Cycle.”

 “As a pastor, I counseled married couples and could not solve their problems.  The major problem I heard from wives was, “He doesn’t love me.”  Wives are made to love, want to love and expect love.  Many husbands fail to deliver.  But as I kept studying Scripture and counseling couples, I finally saw the other half of the equation.  Husbands weren’t saying it much, but they were thinking, She doesn’t respect me. Husbands are made to be respected, want respect, and expect respect.  Many wives fail to deliver.  The result is that five out of ten marriages land in divorce court (and that includes evangelical Christians).


As I wrestled with the problem, I finally saw a connection:  without love from him, she reacts without respect; without respect from her, he reacts without love.  Around and around it goes.  I call it the Crazy Cycle – marital craziness that has thousands of couples in its grip.” 

Ignorance is not bliss.  Ignorance can destroy a relationship.  As I have read Love and Respect I am seeing how I have in ignorance disrespected my husband.  Ouch!  I would like to be farther along in my quest to be an excellent wife.  

Now, I am wrestling with what does respect look like.  How do I communicate respect to my husband?  Here are a few things I have learned from the dictionary….

          respect = deference, a yielding of opinion or judgement, courteous, venerate, to look upon with deep respect, to regard with deep respect, to love, struck with amazement

Ah ha! “to be struck with amazement.”  Every husband will appreciate that from his wife…..careful girls we must be sincere.  I’m going to work on zipping my lips and being more courteous.  I’m going to purpose to speak with sweet encouraging words to Carl.

I hope you will join me in reading Love and Respect.  It is one of those rare books based on substance which can tangibly improve our daily lives.  Let us encourage one another to be married well, to be women who encourage our husbands and bless our Lord.

Well, I’m off to read a few more chapters in Love and Respect to learn how I can bless my “Prince Charming” with respect. 

                “Let each individual among you also love his own wife even as himself; and let the wife see to it

                 that she respects her husband.”

                                                                                                Ephesians 5:33


I welcome your insights and encouragement, please leave a comment.


With love and respect,



Ohhh, Mama! Bridging the Generation Gap August 6, 2009

Filed under: Family & Parenting — Ginger Craddock | Executive Coach @ 5:07 pm
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Ohhh, Mama!  Bridging the Generation Gap
Ohhh, Mama! Bridging the Generation Gap

Sitting in the airport I observe anxious parents hug, pray, wave and watch as their college students head to South Africa to study for a semester abroad.  Unknown questions abound.  As they enter security, they still must contact the US Embassy regarding some visa issues.  I overhear one parent say to another parent, “At least they are going together.  You went by yourself.”


The anxious parents press toward the final barrier of the security labyrinth followed by two friends of the college students.  Out of the earshot of the parents one young man comments to his buddy, “I bet my Mama will be the same way when I leave.”


Ohhh, Mama!  Tears fill my eyes because at this moment my son Aaron is moving from one side of Bangkok, Thailand to the other side of town.  He is alone.  The summer missionaries have headed back to the United States.  Aaron is not heading back home.  He is leaving what has become his home away from home.  Aaron is exchanging the familiar security and safety of the know surroundings for the unknown. 


A family covering three generations is traveling together.  I hear “Xladskjf alskdfj jadlkfjei lsk lakdj reowp.”  I wonder what it is like for Aaron to be surrounded by words he barely understands.  It was a challenge for him to register for classes last week because of the language barrier. 


Ohhh, Mama!


At the She Speaks Conference this weekend, I had the privilege of hearing a young mama with a newborn baby girl encourage women of all ages to “Bridge the Generation Gap.”  Her name is Aimy.  In her introduction she said, “Don’t tell my Grand-Ma I have this baby out and I am not at home!”


Aimy’s words reminded me of my first outing with my daughter.  Amber was born on Sunday morning and the following Saturday we were at Wal-Mart shopping.  I had no idea why I attracted so much attention with my tiny baby girl (she weighed 4lbs 12 ozs. at her first weeks checkup).  OK, now I get it!


Imagine the looks I received when I proudly walked into the nursery the following morning at First Baptist Church in Humboldt, Tennessee.  Carl and I were grinning from ear to ear as we handed our precious girl over to the sweet gray haired ladies who exclaimed, “She is so tiny!”  The women sought clarity……”She’s how old?”  “One week old!”


Ohhh, Mama!


Can you imagine the conversations in the church nursery that day?  In retrospect, I am glad I never heard their words.  Most of all I appreciate the fact that they loved my Amber and they loved on me and encouraged me as a new Mom.


Ohhh, Mama!  The good news is…. Amber survived and is thriving as a happy newlywed.  Aaron met two students who speak English before the end of his first day at his new condo.


Growing up is never comfortable or easy no matter which side you are on.  Each new season has its joys and challenges.  Oftentimes, we walk in ignorant bliss.  Other times we walk alone under the critical eye and misunderstanding of others.


Let us band together as women and sing the sweet songs of encouragement for our dear sisters from every generation.  Ohhh, Mama’s far and wide check out Aimy’s blog at for wisdom and insight on bridging the generation gaps.  Make sure you take the survey at the top and represent your generation.

Sweet blessings,


PS  “txt Aimy your seminar rocked…love u girl from ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!’ lol”


I’ll send your Grand-ma a hand written note and your mom an e-mail 🙂


Sweet Tea & Southern Girls August 3, 2009

Filed under: Encouragement — Ginger Craddock | Executive Coach @ 10:47 am
Sweet Tea & Southern Girls

Sweet Tea & Southern Girls

Ya’ll this southern girl is in the heart of “Southern Living” country…..Charlotte, North Carolina.  I am surrounded by lush green plants everywhere and humidity that makes my hair curl (and look a bit like the big hair days of the 1980’s).  Do you know, as soon as my plane touched down I realized my accent was gone?  My favorite part of being in the Deep South is this wonderful question, “Would you like sweet tea, Maam?


Girls, a change in location is a good reminder of the importance of perspective.  Often, when we are away from home we fondly look back on the ordinary things of life that we take for granted.  There are also things we never fully appreciate when we have them in excess.  One of those things for me is a little ‘ole thing called “humidity.”  I would get tired of the frequent rain and the endless days filled with high humidity levels when I lived in “sweet home Alabama.”  My how my perspective has changed since I moved to the Texas Hill Country.


The southern girl’s new home in the Texas Hill Country is the land of straight hair, low humidity levels and fabulous Mexican food.  I value all three of these qualities.  However, I am clearly seeing that all things without balance can become a thorn in a southern girls flesh.  Central Texas is experiencing a severe drought.  People, animals and the land all suffer from extreme weather patterns.


This need for balance is not only necessary for pleasant outdoor conditions but it is also profoundly important for leading a satisfying personal life.  Balance fuels satisfying family relationships and work environments, as well.


I can travel to the Deep South for sweet tea and all things southern but where can I go for guidance on all things balanced?  This week that guidance came from the example of a teenager named Daniel.


Daniel found an extraordinary equalizer for circumstances that pressed in on his life.  Circumstances that threatened to knock him off balance and crush him.  The city of Daniel’s childhood was filled with competing voices saying they had the answer to how he and others should live their lives.  Some voices were right but the majority of the voices were dead wrong.  Daniel made up his mind to follow the voice of the One True God of his nation.


Like this southern girl, Daniel was taken from his home to a foreign land.  In addition to having an accent he did not even speak or understand the language.  Daniel thrived in the midst of ever changing and difficult circumstances because he made up his mind to follow the voice of God.  He did not defile himself with the practices of the people around him.  As a result, Daniel led a balanced life that God blessed.


There are sweet blessings of balance that transcend all circumstances.  Southern girls, northern girls, mid-western girls and all girls far and wide can find that balanced place for their life and daily challenges in the same God that Daniel followed.  The first requirement is that we make up our mind whom we are going to follow. 


To learn more about Daniel and his balanced life check out chapter 1 of the book of Daniel in the Bible.  You will be encouraged to see what God gave to Daniel and his friends.


Love ya’ll,




Raising Valiant Sons and Daughters July 23, 2009

Filed under: Family & Parenting — Ginger Craddock | Executive Coach @ 11:30 pm
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Valiant Son

Valiant Son


Strong, brave and courageous young men and women are among us.  You and I have seen them in our midst and marveled at their courage and depth of character.  What does it take to raise valiant sons and daughters in a generation plagued by greed, immorality, political unrest and every kind of wickedness?


Two imperfect individuals come together as Dad and Mom and create junior.  Maybe Dad and Mom are a team pulling together or they are individuals still pulling in their own direction.  Sometimes parents make a sacrificial decision to let someone else raise their child.


Regardless of the steps that bring us to parenting we still want to do our best.  When we embrace our responsibilities to equip the next generation; where do we begin if we want to raise valiant sons and daughters?  Our sons and daughters will become the adults of tomorrow.  Will they be courageous young adults who will lead and influence their families, communities, cities, nations and the world for what is good and right?


This morning I was awed as I began to read my Bible about a young man named Daniel.  As a child and as a young teenager, Daniel lived in a nation where God was forgotten and mocked.  The nation of Israel was filled with every kind of wickedness.  The people worshiped the works of their own hands.  Wickedness, a forgotten God and people worshiping the works of their own hands sounds a lot like the nations of our world today.


Not only was Daniel surrounded by all of this wickedness in his homeland, as a teenager he was taken as a slave into the immoral nation of Babylon.  Imagine if our sons and daughters were taken from us as young teenagers into a wicked immoral environment, how would they function?  Would they be sucked into the conduct of the people around them or would they stand for what they know is right and true?


As I observed young Daniel’s life after he was taken as a slave, I saw some amazing characteristics. First, I saw who his “running buddies” were; Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.  Daniel and his three friends are described as intelligent, endowed with understanding, discerning in knowledge, and they had the ability for serving in the king’s court. Next, I saw that Daniel “made up his mind” to follow the dietary guidelines given to the nation of Israel by God.  Daniels obedience prompted God to grant him favor and compassion in the sight of the commander. The results, Daniel and his three friends were taken into the king’s personal service.  Out of all of the handsome, intelligent, knowledgeable youths taken from Israel not one was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.  The king also found them to be ten times better than all the magicians and conjurers and wise men in the nation of Babylon. Daniel and his friends were valiant, strong, brave, courageous and successful because they knew their God and they obeyed Him faithfully.


Let us stand together as parents of the next generation.  First we must put off the practices of the world and apply the teachings of the Bible in our daily lives.  To lead by example we must know, love and obey God with our whole hearts.  Next, we must teach our children to know, love, and obey God with their whole hearts.  None of us will ever get it right all of the time; neither will our friends, family and Christian brothers and sisters.  God extends grace and encourages us to dust off the sin and get right back on His path.


Like Daniel, our sons and daughters will choose their “running buddies” and make up their own minds whom to follow.  We can trust God to bless and correct.  Let us join together and ask God to help us be valiant parents who lead by example and equip our children in the truth of Who God is and the importance of obeying Him and following His plan each day of our lives.


Only God can bring the increase and grant us courageous young adults who will lead and influence their families, communities, cities, nations and the world for what is good and right.  Our responsibility is to be faithful in parenting according to Biblical principles and trust God to raise valiant sons and daughters in our midst for His purpose.


   Raising warriors,
